Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The next great Hawkeye offensive lineman??? Alex 6 months

This big boy is off the charts. Yesterday we had his 6 month appointment and here are his stats: 20lbs 11 oz (95%), 29 3/8 inches (>95%) and a melon that measures in the 95%! Alex is a rolling machine. He can get anywhere he wants by rolling, rolling and rolling. He is a big talker and recently discovered his tongue and ears. Main concern is lack of sleeping through the night. He seems to rather enjoy my company every few hour in the middle of the night. The doctor laughed, looked at Alex and said, "this boy can get through the night." Easier said than done, right? Wrong. After three shots and some Tylenol last night, Alex slept from 6:45pm to 6:3oam this morning. He may of slept even longer, but I couldn't enjoy the peace. I had to go check on him. You'd think this was my first baby! Bravo Alex, let's see if we can have a repeat performance tonight.

1 comment:

Corinne Mattson said...

The boys are SO CUTE Jill!! I can't believe how big Alex is! Connor wasn't even that big at his one year check last week. We are hoping for quarterback?! Looks like you had a busy and fun holiday season!! Loved the Christmas card pic as well. Take care!!